Darren Boice has been a committed Western North Carolina health professional for over 30 years. As the senior clinical director of the Impact Primary Care Network (IPCN) he continues this commitment, providing leadership in network administration, care coordination strategy, staffing structure, and community relations.
Before joining the Impact Health team, Darren served as the director of clinical operations for Mission Health Partners, overseeing the network launch of Medicaid Managed Care and the Healthy Opportunities Pilot. He began his career working in a variety of community mental health settings before joining the Mission Health System in 2002 as a licensed clinical social worker with the Olson Huff Center. He later transitioned into practice management with Mission Children’s Hospital, managing and expanding several clinics, and then became the director of ambulatory behavioral health for all of Mission Health.
Darren received his Bachelor of Science in psychology from Houghton College and a Master of Social Work from UNC Chapel Hill. He has presented at multiple state and national conferences on integrating behavioral health in medical settings and authored a chapter on ethics in an integrated care textbook. He has been married to Jennifer, his college sweetheart, for 34 years. They have two recently married children and are thoroughly enjoying their empty nest and more travel and home projects.